Fur-Ever Friends of NC Facebook Feed

Fur-Ever Friends of NC
We are dedicated to improving the well-being of animals in the Piedmont-Triad.
To contact us visit: https://fureverfriendsnc.org/
Today is National Spay Day and we celebrate the importance of neutering and spaying pets. We are so happy to tell you what we are doing!
With our program, Fix Forsyth, we have been able to provide over 124 pets with subsidized spay and neuters. That’s saving over thousands of unwanted pets from going into shelters.
Thanks to a grant from the Winston-Salem Foundation, Our Companion Pet Care Plan not only helped provide necessary spays and neuters to 25 pets but has helped provide heartworm and flea prevention education and medicine. Please see some of these lucky and sweet furry friends below. Each of these pets were found either as strays or had been dumped and amazingly, ended up in loving, wonderful homes. Thank you Winston-Salem Foundation for helping us provide a stable start for them.
#wsfoundation #winstonsalemfoundation #nationalspayneuterawarenessmonth #petcare #petoverpopulation #winstonsalem #winstonsalemnc #pets #animalovers
School may have been out for a few days but we wanted to share our recent educational visits to both Meadowlark Middle School and Smith Farms Elementary.
At Meadowlark Middle, we talked about all things pets and touched on tbe importance of spay and neutering with an exercise that showed how hard it can be to place unplanned litters of puppies and kittens. Kittens anyone??
At Smith Farms, Clancy stole the show as the students reviewed pet safety tips and optimal pet care.
We are so inspired by the enthusiastic these students show in learning about pets! Thank you Imprints Cares for partnering with us!
#imprintscares, #fureverfriendsnc, #petcare,#petoverpopulation
We would like to remind you to ensure the safety and well being of your pets. Please bring them indoors during extreme cold weather temperatures and snow. If your dogs must be outdoors please ensure they have adequate shelter from frigid temps by providing straw or cedar shavings in their dog houses. Although we urge you to prepare a place indoors to provide the safest place for them.
We also urge you to call your local law enforcement center non emergency number if you see an animal outdoors with no access to adequate shelter, food and water. See something, say something.
Adequate shelter= shelter that has a floor, roof and two sides that must protect pet from elements. Wire crates or kennels are not considered adequate shelter.
Thank you for looking out for your pets !
Stay safe, happy and most of all warm. #winstonsalem #winstonsalemnc #wsnc #Pets #keepyourpetswarm
Happy Valentines Day! We hope you all enjoy this special day with those you love. Let’s not forget our four legged lovies! Share the love by sharing your four legged lovies with us..Post pics of your furbabies. #dtwsnc #winstonsalem #winstonsalemnc #wsnc #animalovers #highpoint #greensboronc #clemmonsnc
It’s Friday and we wanted to share some of our January Rico recipients! Some are adorable and some are sad but thanks to our donors, we can get them on the road to a better life! In January, FFNC spent close to $4000.00 and helped 21 pets! Just take a look….