Happy Ears, Happy Pets

Healthy Ears Happy Pets

Ear infections are more common in pets than we think, especially those with seasonal allergies. We are here to help pet parents understand proper ear care and know when an infection may be present which, if left untreated, can lead to pain or even hearing loss.

These five preventive tips can help you keep your pet's ears healthy and


  • Regular ear flushing with a vet-approved solution to restore the pH of the ear canals:*Fill the ear canal with the cleaning solution (do not put the tip of the bottle into the ear canal)

    *Massage the base of the ear and gently wipe out the excess with cotton balls.

    *It's ok to let your dog or cat shake their heads afterwards to get rid of fluid.

  • Keep their ears dry after swimming or bathing. Cotton balls can help dry up extra moisture that can create a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast.
  • Trim excess hair. If your pet gets regularly groomed, discuss trimming or removing excess hair at their appointments, especially if they have a history of ear inflammation (otitis).
  • Control seasonal allergies. 85% of ear infections are caused by seasonal allergies that can be controlled with treatment.
  • Regular checkups that evaluate the current state of the ear and provide you with guidance on an appropriate ear health routine for your pet.
  • Signs that your pet is already suffering from an ear infection:
    • Head shaking
    • Excessive scratching or tilting of the head (which can commonly be mistaken as an itchy condition rather than an ear infection)
    • Redness or swelling in the ear
    • Discharge or odor from the ear

    If you notice any of these symptoms, please contact you veterinarian right away to prevent the infection from worsening. Severe ear infections can damage or rupture the eardrum which can lead to permanent hearing loss in addition to pain.

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